The Root of Motivation
Becoming better versions of ourselves, growing our success, getting healthier and more fit is usually looked upon in a positive light. However, the driving motivators may not always be good for us or come from a good place.
It is important to be self aware… what and where are we acting from?
Is it a healthy place or a place of insecurity or fear? Both positive and negative things can be equally motivating and can breed results.
What many behavioral sciences studies on human behavior have shown is that positive motivators effect long term positive change and negative motivators do not. In fact, negative motivators prove to only be effective while the negative motivating factor is present. Once it is removed, the motivation disappears. This may be why a person whose doctor tells them they are overweight and at risk of a heart attack goes on a crash diet. The crash diet is effective in quickly loosing weight, only to have the weight return within a few months after the motivator of fear is gone.
Here are a few other examples of negative motivators that are not effective or good for us:
I’m fat, I’m not good enough, I’m not attractive, I’m not ___________(fill in the blank with ANY negative thought about yourself)
Examples of positive motivators are:
I want to get in better shape because I will feel better and be happier.
I am increasing the quality of my life.
I’m worth the investment of time and resources.
A good self check as to where your motivation is rooted or where it originates from is by asking yourself these few simple questions and answering them boldly with honesty:
- Why do I want to do________________?
- For what purpose would I do/do I do ________________?
- Is this action I am considering a loving action or a loving choice?
- Would choosing to take this action be good for me, good for my family and good for the world?
Answering these questions will help you not only discover the root of what’s motivating you but also help bring clarity to what and why you want or need to affect a change in an area of your life.
May you find motivation that is rooted in love and effects positive and permanent changes in your life!